Filtru curent:

#0 CErrorHandler->__construct() called at [/home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/YiiBase.php:222] #1 YiiBase::createComponent(Array ([class] => CErrorHandler)) called at [/home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/base/CModule.php:371] #2 CModule->getComponent(errorHandler) called at [/home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/base/CApplication.php:438] #3 CApplication->getErrorHandler() called at [/home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/base/CApplication.php:708] #4 CApplication->handleException(CDbException Object ([errorInfo] => Array ([0] => 42000,[1] => 1055,[2] => Expression #38 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by),[] => CDbCommand a esuat executarea instructiunii SQL: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 Expression #38 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by,[] => exception 'CDbException' with message 'CDbCommand a esuat executarea instructiunii SQL: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 Expression #38 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by' in /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/CDbCommand.php:521 Stack trace: #0 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/CDbCommand.php(374): CDbCommand->queryInternal('fetchAll', Array, Array) #1 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php(815): CDbCommand->queryAll() #2 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php(447): CJoinElement->runQuery(Object(CJoinQuery)) #3 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php(72): CJoinElement->find(Object(CDbCriteria)) #4 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveRecord.php(1295): CActiveFinder->query(Object(CDbCriteria), true) #5 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveRecord.php(1410): CActiveRecord->query(Object(CDbCriteria), true) #6 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CActiveDataProvider.php(147): CActiveRecord->findAll(Object(CDbCriteria)) #7 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CDataProvider.php(128): CActiveDataProvider->fetchData() #8 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/zii/widgets/CBaseListView.php(105): CDataProvider->getData() #9 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/zii/widgets/CListView.php(173): CBaseListView->init() #10 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CBaseController.php(141): CListView->init() #11 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CBaseController.php(166): CBaseController->createWidget('zii.widgets.CLi...', Array) #12 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UListWorklet.php(202): CBaseController->widget('zii.widgets.CLi...', Array) #13 /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/worklets/WDealAll.php(81): UListWorklet->taskRenderOutput() #14 [internal function]: WDealAll->taskRenderOutput() #15 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorklet.php(94): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #16 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWidgetWorklet.php(65): UWorklet->__call('renderOutput', Array) #17 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWidgetWorklet.php(65): WDealAll->renderOutput() #18 /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base/worklets/WBaseInit.php(246): UWidgetWorklet->run() #19 [internal function]: WBaseInit->taskRecordClips() #20 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorklet.php(94): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #21 /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base/worklets/WBaseInit.php(119): UWorklet->__call('recordClips', Array) #22 /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base/worklets/WBaseInit.php(119): WBaseInit->recordClips() #23 [internal function]: WBaseInit->taskRenderPage() #24 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorklet.php(94): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #25 /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base/worklets/WBaseInit.php(38): UWorklet->__call('renderPage', Array) #26 /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base/worklets/WBaseInit.php(38): WBaseInit->renderPage() #27 [internal function]: WBaseInit->taskBuild() #28 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorklet.php(94): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #29 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/yii/web/actions/UAction.php(28): UWorklet->__call('build', Array) #30 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/yii/web/actions/UAction.php(28): WBaseInit->build() #31 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/actions/CAction.php(72): UAction->run() #32 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CController.php(300): CAction->runWithParams(Array) #33 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/filters/CFilterChain.php(134): CController->runAction(Object(UAction)) #34 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/filters/CFilter.php(41): CFilterChain->run() #35 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/filters/CFilterChain.php(131): CFilter->filter(Object(CFilterChain)) #36 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CController.php(283): CFilterChain->run() #37 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CController.php(257): CController->runActionWithFilters(Object(UAction), Array) #38 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(277): CController->run('all') #39 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(136): CWebApplication->runController('deal/all') #40 /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/base/CApplication.php(158): CWebApplication->processRequest() #41 /home/creatori/public_html/index.php(28): CApplication->run() #42 {main},[] => 42000,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/CDbCommand.php,[] => 521,[] => Array ([0] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/CDbCommand.php,[line] => 374,[function] => queryInternal,[class] => CDbCommand,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => fetchAll,[1] => Array ([0] => 2),[2] => Array ())),[1] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php,[line] => 815,[function] => queryAll,[class] => CDbCommand,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[2] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php,[line] => 447,[function] => runQuery,[class] => CJoinElement,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => CJoinQuery Object ([selects] => Array ([0] => `t`.`id` AS `t0_c0`, `t`.`url` AS `t0_c1`, `t`.`companyId` AS `t0_c2`, `t`.`location` AS `t0_c3`, `t`.`address` AS `t0_c4`, `t`.`timeZone` AS `t0_c5`, `t`.`start` AS `t0_c6`, `t`.`end` AS `t0_c7`, `t`.`redeemStart` AS `t0_c8`, `t`.`expire` AS `t0_c9`, `t`.`purchaseMin` AS `t0_c10`, `t`.`purchaseMax` AS `t0_c11`, `t`.`limitPerUser` AS `t0_c12`, `t`.`image` AS `t0_c13`, `t`.`background` AS `t0_c14`, `t`.`active` AS `t0_c15`, `t`.`status` AS `t0_c16`, `t`.`priority` AS `t0_c17`, `t`.`commission` AS `t0_c18`, `t`.`paymentOptions` AS `t0_c19`, `t`.`useCredits` AS `t0_c20`, `t`.`requireRedeemLoc` AS `t0_c21`, `t`.`statsAdjust` AS `t0_c22`, `t`.`deal_autor` AS `t0_c23`, `t`.`nume_oferta` AS `t0_c24`, `t`.`voucher_default_expire` AS `t0_c25`, `t`.`use_voucher_default_expire` AS `t0_c26`, `t`.`deal_default_expire` AS `t0_c27`, `t`.`use_deal_default_expire` AS `t0_c28`, `t`.`redirect_url` AS `t0_c29`,[1] => `imageBin`.`id` AS `t1_c0`, `imageBin`.`owner` AS `t1_c1`, `imageBin`.`status` AS `t1_c2`, `imageBin`.`created` AS `t1_c3`,[2] => `stats`.`id` AS `t2_c0`, `stats`.`views` AS `t2_c1`, `stats`.`bought` AS `t2_c2`,[3] => `categories`.`id` AS `t3_c0`, `categories`.`url` AS `t3_c1`, `categories`.`parent_category` AS `t3_c2`, `categories`.`enabled` AS `t3_c3`, `categories`.`sub_parent` AS `t3_c4`),[distinct] => ,[joins] => Array ([0] => `cpnc_Deal` `t`,[1] => ,[2] => LEFT OUTER JOIN `cpnc_StorageBin` `imageBin` ON (`t`.`image`=`imageBin`.`id`),[3] => ,[4] => LEFT OUTER JOIN `cpnc_DealStats` `stats` ON (`stats`.`id`=`t`.`id`),[5] => ,[6] => LEFT OUTER JOIN `cpnc_DealCategoryAssoc` `categories_categories` ON (`t`.`id`=`categories_categories`.`dealId`) LEFT OUTER JOIN `cpnc_DealCategory` `categories` ON (`categories`.`id`=`categories_categories`.`categoryId`),[7] => ),[conditions] => Array ([0] => ((( AND (t.status=:ycp1)) AND (start<=:ycp2)) AND (end>=:ycp3),[1] => ,[2] => ,[3] => ),[orders] => Array ([0] => `priority` ASC,[1] => ,[2] => ,[3] => ),[groups] => Array ([0] =>,[1] => ,[2] => ,[3] => ),[havings] => Array ([0] => ,[1] => ,[2] => ,[3] => ),[limit] => 10,[offset] => 0,[params] => Array ([:ycp0] => 1,[:ycp1] => 1,[:ycp2] => 1729565355,[:ycp3] => 1729565355),[elements] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 1,[2] => 1,[3] => 1)))),[3] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveFinder.php,[line] => 72,[function] => find,[class] => CJoinElement,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => CDbCriteria Object ([select] => *,[distinct] => ,[condition] => ((( AND (t.status=:ycp1)) AND (start<=:ycp2)) AND (end>=:ycp3),[params] => Array ([:ycp0] => 1,[:ycp1] => 1,[:ycp2] => 1729565355,[:ycp3] => 1729565355),[limit] => 10,[offset] => 0,[order] => `priority` ASC,[group] =>,[join] => ,[having] => ,[with] => Array ([0] => imageBin,[1] => stats,[2] => categories),[alias] => ,[together] => ,[index] => ,[scopes] => ,[] => ,[] => ))),[4] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveRecord.php,[line] => 1295,[function] => query,[class] => CActiveFinder,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => CDbCriteria Object ([select] => *,[distinct] => ,[condition] => ((( AND (t.status=:ycp1)) AND (start<=:ycp2)) AND (end>=:ycp3),[params] => Array ([:ycp0] => 1,[:ycp1] => 1,[:ycp2] => 1729565355,[:ycp3] => 1729565355),[limit] => 10,[offset] => 0,[order] => `priority` ASC,[group] =>,[join] => ,[having] => ,[with] => Array ([0] => imageBin,[1] => stats,[2] => categories),[alias] => ,[together] => ,[index] => ,[scopes] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[1] => 1)),[5] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/db/ar/CActiveRecord.php,[line] => 1410,[function] => query,[class] => CActiveRecord,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => CDbCriteria Object ([select] => *,[distinct] => ,[condition] => ((( AND (t.status=:ycp1)) AND (start<=:ycp2)) AND (end>=:ycp3),[params] => Array ([:ycp0] => 1,[:ycp1] => 1,[:ycp2] => 1729565355,[:ycp3] => 1729565355),[limit] => 10,[offset] => 0,[order] => `priority` ASC,[group] =>,[join] => ,[having] => ,[with] => Array ([0] => imageBin,[1] => stats,[2] => categories),[alias] => ,[together] => ,[index] => ,[scopes] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[1] => 1)),[6] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CActiveDataProvider.php,[line] => 147,[function] => findAll,[class] => CActiveRecord,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => CDbCriteria Object ([select] => *,[distinct] => ,[condition] => ((( AND (t.status=:ycp1)) AND (start<=:ycp2)) AND (end>=:ycp3),[params] => Array ([:ycp0] => 1,[:ycp1] => 1,[:ycp2] => 1729565355,[:ycp3] => 1729565355),[limit] => 10,[offset] => 0,[order] => `priority` ASC,[group] =>,[join] => ,[having] => ,[with] => Array ([0] => imageBin,[1] => stats,[2] => categories),[alias] => ,[together] => ,[index] => ,[scopes] => ,[] => ,[] => ))),[7] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CDataProvider.php,[line] => 128,[function] => fetchData,[class] => CActiveDataProvider,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[8] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/zii/widgets/CBaseListView.php,[line] => 105,[function] => getData,[class] => CDataProvider,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[9] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/zii/widgets/CListView.php,[line] => 173,[function] => init,[class] => CBaseListView,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[10] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CBaseController.php,[line] => 141,[function] => init,[class] => CListView,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[11] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CBaseController.php,[line] => 166,[function] => createWidget,[class] => CBaseController,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => zii.widgets.CListView,[1] => Array ([id] => wlt-DealAll-list,[dataProvider] => CActiveDataProvider Object ([modelClass] => MDealAllListModel,[model] => MDealAllListModel Object ([location] => ,[category] => Array (),[type] => active,[currPrice] => ,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => CActiveRecordMetaData Object ([tableSchema] => CMysqlTableSchema Object ([schemaName] => ,[name] => cpnc_Deal,[rawName] => `cpnc_Deal`,[primaryKey] => id,[sequenceName] => ,[foreignKeys] => Array (),[columns] => Array ([id] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => id,[rawName] => `id`,[allowNull] => ,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => 1,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => 1,[] => ,[] => ),[url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => url,[rawName] => `url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[companyId] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => companyId,[rawName] => `companyId`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[location] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => location,[rawName] => `location`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[address] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => address,[rawName] => `address`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[timeZone] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => timeZone,[rawName] => `timeZone`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[start] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => start,[rawName] => `start`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[end] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => end,[rawName] => `end`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redeemStart] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redeemStart,[rawName] => `redeemStart`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => expire,[rawName] => `expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMin] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMin,[rawName] => `purchaseMin`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMax] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMax,[rawName] => `purchaseMax`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[limitPerUser] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => limitPerUser,[rawName] => `limitPerUser`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[image] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => image,[rawName] => `image`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[background] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => background,[rawName] => `background`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[active] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => active,[rawName] => `active`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[status] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => status,[rawName] => `status`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[priority] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => priority,[rawName] => `priority`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[commission] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => commission,[rawName] => `commission`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double unsigned,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[paymentOptions] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => paymentOptions,[rawName] => `paymentOptions`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[useCredits] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => useCredits,[rawName] => `useCredits`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[requireRedeemLoc] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => requireRedeemLoc,[rawName] => `requireRedeemLoc`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[statsAdjust] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => statsAdjust,[rawName] => `statsAdjust`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(50),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 50,[precision] => 50,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_autor] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_autor,[rawName] => `deal_autor`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(100),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 100,[precision] => 100,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[nume_oferta] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => nume_oferta,[rawName] => `nume_oferta`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => mediumtext,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redirect_url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redirect_url,[rawName] => `redirect_url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => )),[] => ,[] => ),[columns] => Array ([id] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => id,[rawName] => `id`,[allowNull] => ,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => 1,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => 1,[] => ,[] => ),[url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => url,[rawName] => `url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[companyId] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => companyId,[rawName] => `companyId`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[location] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => location,[rawName] => `location`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[address] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => address,[rawName] => `address`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[timeZone] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => timeZone,[rawName] => `timeZone`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[start] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => start,[rawName] => `start`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[end] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => end,[rawName] => `end`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redeemStart] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redeemStart,[rawName] => `redeemStart`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => expire,[rawName] => `expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMin] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMin,[rawName] => `purchaseMin`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMax] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMax,[rawName] => `purchaseMax`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[limitPerUser] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => limitPerUser,[rawName] => `limitPerUser`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[image] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => image,[rawName] => `image`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[background] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => background,[rawName] => `background`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[active] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => active,[rawName] => `active`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[status] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => status,[rawName] => `status`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[priority] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => priority,[rawName] => `priority`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[commission] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => commission,[rawName] => `commission`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double unsigned,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[paymentOptions] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => paymentOptions,[rawName] => `paymentOptions`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[useCredits] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => useCredits,[rawName] => `useCredits`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[requireRedeemLoc] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => requireRedeemLoc,[rawName] => `requireRedeemLoc`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[statsAdjust] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => statsAdjust,[rawName] => `statsAdjust`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(50),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 50,[precision] => 50,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_autor] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_autor,[rawName] => `deal_autor`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(100),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 100,[precision] => 100,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[nume_oferta] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => nume_oferta,[rawName] => `nume_oferta`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => mediumtext,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redirect_url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redirect_url,[rawName] => `redirect_url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => )),[relations] => Array ([company] => CBelongsToRelation Object ([joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => company,[className] => MCompany,[foreignKey] => companyId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[locs] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => 1,[name] => locs,[className] => MDealLocation,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redeemLocs] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => redeemLocs,[className] => MDealRedeemLocation,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[imageBin] => CBelongsToRelation Object ([joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => imageBin,[className] => MStorageBin,[foreignKey] => image,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[stats] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => stats,[className] => MDealStats,[foreignKey] => id,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[cache] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => cache,[className] => MDealCache,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[reviews] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => reviews,[className] => MDealReview,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[coupons] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => coupons,[className] => MDealCoupon,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[media] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => media,[className] => MDealMedia,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => `order` ASC,[] => ,[] => ),[i18n] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => model='Deal',[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => i18n,[className] => MI18N,[foreignKey] => relatedId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[categories] => CManyManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => 1,[name] => categories,[className] => MDealCategory,[foreignKey] => {{DealCategoryAssoc}}(dealId,categoryId),[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[campaign] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => campaign,[className] => MDealSubscriptionCampaign,[foreignKey] => id,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[list] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => list.type=1,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => list,[className] => MSubscriptionList,[foreignKey] => relatedId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[prices] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => prices,[className] => MDealPrice,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[mainPrice] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => mainPrice.main=1,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => mainPrice,[className] => MDealPrice,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => )),[attributeDefaults] => Array ([deal_default_expire] => 0,[use_deal_default_expire] => 0),[] => MDealAllListModel Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => t,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[keyAttribute] => ,[] => CDbCriteria Object ([select] => *,[distinct] => ,[condition] => ((( AND (t.status=:ycp1)) AND (start<=:ycp2)) AND (end>=:ycp3),[params] => Array ([:ycp0] => 1,[:ycp1] => 1,[:ycp2] => 1729565355,[:ycp3] => 1729565355),[limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[order] => ,[group] =>,[join] => ,[having] => ,[with] => Array ([0] => imageBin,[1] => stats,[2] => categories),[alias] => ,[together] => ,[index] => ,[scopes] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => MDealAllListModel,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 434,[] => CSort Object ([multiSort] => ,[modelClass] => MDealAllListModel,[attributes] => Array (),[sortVar] => MDealAllListModel_sort,[descTag] => desc,[defaultOrder] => `priority` ASC,[route] => ,[separators] => Array ([0] => -,[1] => .),[params] => ,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => CPagination Object ([pageVar] => MDealAllListModel_page,[route] => ,[params] => ,[validateCurrentPage] => 1,[] => 10,[] => 434,[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[itemView] => deal,[afterAjaxUpdate] => js: function(){$.uniprogy.updTimers()}))),[12] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UListWorklet.php,[line] => 202,[function] => widget,[class] => CBaseController,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => zii.widgets.CListView,[1] => Array ([id] => wlt-DealAll-list,[dataProvider] => CActiveDataProvider Object ([modelClass] => MDealAllListModel,[model] => MDealAllListModel Object ([location] => ,[category] => Array (),[type] => active,[currPrice] => ,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => CActiveRecordMetaData Object ([tableSchema] => CMysqlTableSchema Object ([schemaName] => ,[name] => cpnc_Deal,[rawName] => `cpnc_Deal`,[primaryKey] => id,[sequenceName] => ,[foreignKeys] => Array (),[columns] => Array ([id] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => id,[rawName] => `id`,[allowNull] => ,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => 1,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => 1,[] => ,[] => ),[url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => url,[rawName] => `url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[companyId] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => companyId,[rawName] => `companyId`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[location] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => location,[rawName] => `location`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[address] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => address,[rawName] => `address`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[timeZone] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => timeZone,[rawName] => `timeZone`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[start] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => start,[rawName] => `start`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[end] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => end,[rawName] => `end`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redeemStart] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redeemStart,[rawName] => `redeemStart`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => expire,[rawName] => `expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMin] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMin,[rawName] => `purchaseMin`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMax] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMax,[rawName] => `purchaseMax`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[limitPerUser] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => limitPerUser,[rawName] => `limitPerUser`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[image] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => image,[rawName] => `image`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[background] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => background,[rawName] => `background`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[active] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => active,[rawName] => `active`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[status] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => status,[rawName] => `status`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[priority] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => priority,[rawName] => `priority`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[commission] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => commission,[rawName] => `commission`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double unsigned,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[paymentOptions] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => paymentOptions,[rawName] => `paymentOptions`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[useCredits] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => useCredits,[rawName] => `useCredits`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[requireRedeemLoc] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => requireRedeemLoc,[rawName] => `requireRedeemLoc`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[statsAdjust] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => statsAdjust,[rawName] => `statsAdjust`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(50),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 50,[precision] => 50,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_autor] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_autor,[rawName] => `deal_autor`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(100),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 100,[precision] => 100,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[nume_oferta] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => nume_oferta,[rawName] => `nume_oferta`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => mediumtext,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redirect_url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redirect_url,[rawName] => `redirect_url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => )),[] => ,[] => ),[columns] => Array ([id] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => id,[rawName] => `id`,[allowNull] => ,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => 1,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => 1,[] => ,[] => ),[url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => url,[rawName] => `url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[companyId] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => companyId,[rawName] => `companyId`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[location] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => location,[rawName] => `location`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[address] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => address,[rawName] => `address`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[timeZone] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => timeZone,[rawName] => `timeZone`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[start] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => start,[rawName] => `start`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[end] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => end,[rawName] => `end`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redeemStart] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redeemStart,[rawName] => `redeemStart`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => expire,[rawName] => `expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMin] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMin,[rawName] => `purchaseMin`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMax] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMax,[rawName] => `purchaseMax`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[limitPerUser] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => limitPerUser,[rawName] => `limitPerUser`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[image] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => image,[rawName] => `image`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[background] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => background,[rawName] => `background`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[active] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => active,[rawName] => `active`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[status] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => status,[rawName] => `status`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[priority] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => priority,[rawName] => `priority`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[commission] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => commission,[rawName] => `commission`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double unsigned,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[paymentOptions] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => paymentOptions,[rawName] => `paymentOptions`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[useCredits] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => useCredits,[rawName] => `useCredits`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[requireRedeemLoc] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => requireRedeemLoc,[rawName] => `requireRedeemLoc`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[statsAdjust] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => statsAdjust,[rawName] => `statsAdjust`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(50),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 50,[precision] => 50,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_autor] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_autor,[rawName] => `deal_autor`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(100),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 100,[precision] => 100,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[nume_oferta] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => nume_oferta,[rawName] => `nume_oferta`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => mediumtext,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redirect_url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redirect_url,[rawName] => `redirect_url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => )),[relations] => Array ([company] => CBelongsToRelation Object ([joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => company,[className] => MCompany,[foreignKey] => companyId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[locs] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => 1,[name] => locs,[className] => MDealLocation,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redeemLocs] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => redeemLocs,[className] => MDealRedeemLocation,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[imageBin] => CBelongsToRelation Object ([joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => imageBin,[className] => MStorageBin,[foreignKey] => image,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[stats] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => stats,[className] => MDealStats,[foreignKey] => id,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[cache] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => cache,[className] => MDealCache,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[reviews] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => reviews,[className] => MDealReview,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[coupons] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => coupons,[className] => MDealCoupon,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[media] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => media,[className] => MDealMedia,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => `order` ASC,[] => ,[] => ),[i18n] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => model='Deal',[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => i18n,[className] => MI18N,[foreignKey] => relatedId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[categories] => CManyManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => 1,[name] => categories,[className] => MDealCategory,[foreignKey] => {{DealCategoryAssoc}}(dealId,categoryId),[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[campaign] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => campaign,[className] => MDealSubscriptionCampaign,[foreignKey] => id,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[list] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => list.type=1,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => list,[className] => MSubscriptionList,[foreignKey] => relatedId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[prices] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => prices,[className] => MDealPrice,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[mainPrice] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => mainPrice.main=1,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => mainPrice,[className] => MDealPrice,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => )),[attributeDefaults] => Array ([deal_default_expire] => 0,[use_deal_default_expire] => 0),[] => MDealAllListModel Object ( *RECURSION*),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => t,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[keyAttribute] => ,[] => CDbCriteria Object ([select] => *,[distinct] => ,[condition] => ((( AND (t.status=:ycp1)) AND (start<=:ycp2)) AND (end>=:ycp3),[params] => Array ([:ycp0] => 1,[:ycp1] => 1,[:ycp2] => 1729565355,[:ycp3] => 1729565355),[limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[order] => ,[group] =>,[join] => ,[having] => ,[with] => Array ([0] => imageBin,[1] => stats,[2] => categories),[alias] => ,[together] => ,[index] => ,[scopes] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => MDealAllListModel,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 434,[] => CSort Object ([multiSort] => ,[modelClass] => MDealAllListModel,[attributes] => Array (),[sortVar] => MDealAllListModel_sort,[descTag] => desc,[defaultOrder] => `priority` ASC,[route] => ,[separators] => Array ([0] => -,[1] => .),[params] => ,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => CPagination Object ([pageVar] => MDealAllListModel_page,[route] => ,[params] => ,[validateCurrentPage] => 1,[] => 10,[] => 434,[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[itemView] => deal,[afterAjaxUpdate] => js: function(){$.uniprogy.updTimers()}))),[13] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/worklets/WDealAll.php,[line] => 81,[function] => taskRenderOutput,[class] => UListWorklet,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[14] => Array ([function] => taskRenderOutput,[class] => WDealAll,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[15] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorklet.php,[line] => 94,[function] => call_user_func_array,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => WDealAll Object ([modelClassName] => MDealAllListModel,[type] => list,[model] => MDealAllListModel Object ([location] => 1,[category] => Array (),[type] => active,[currPrice] => ,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => CActiveRecordMetaData Object ([tableSchema] => CMysqlTableSchema Object ([schemaName] => ,[name] => cpnc_Deal,[rawName] => `cpnc_Deal`,[primaryKey] => id,[sequenceName] => ,[foreignKeys] => Array (),[columns] => Array ([id] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => id,[rawName] => `id`,[allowNull] => ,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => 1,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => 1,[] => ,[] => ),[url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => url,[rawName] => `url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[companyId] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => companyId,[rawName] => `companyId`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[location] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => location,[rawName] => `location`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[address] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => address,[rawName] => `address`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[timeZone] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => timeZone,[rawName] => `timeZone`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[start] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => start,[rawName] => `start`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[end] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => end,[rawName] => `end`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redeemStart] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redeemStart,[rawName] => `redeemStart`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => expire,[rawName] => `expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMin] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMin,[rawName] => `purchaseMin`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMax] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMax,[rawName] => `purchaseMax`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[limitPerUser] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => limitPerUser,[rawName] => `limitPerUser`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[image] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => image,[rawName] => `image`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[background] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => background,[rawName] => `background`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[active] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => active,[rawName] => `active`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[status] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => status,[rawName] => `status`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[priority] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => priority,[rawName] => `priority`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[commission] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => commission,[rawName] => `commission`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double unsigned,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[paymentOptions] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => paymentOptions,[rawName] => `paymentOptions`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[useCredits] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => useCredits,[rawName] => `useCredits`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[requireRedeemLoc] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => requireRedeemLoc,[rawName] => `requireRedeemLoc`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[statsAdjust] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => statsAdjust,[rawName] => `statsAdjust`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(50),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 50,[precision] => 50,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_autor] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_autor,[rawName] => `deal_autor`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(100),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 100,[precision] => 100,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[nume_oferta] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => nume_oferta,[rawName] => `nume_oferta`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => mediumtext,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redirect_url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redirect_url,[rawName] => `redirect_url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => )),[] => ,[] => ),[columns] => Array ([id] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => id,[rawName] => `id`,[allowNull] => ,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => 1,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => 1,[] => ,[] => ),[url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => url,[rawName] => `url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[companyId] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => companyId,[rawName] => `companyId`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[location] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => location,[rawName] => `location`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[address] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => address,[rawName] => `address`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[timeZone] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => timeZone,[rawName] => `timeZone`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[start] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => start,[rawName] => `start`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[end] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => end,[rawName] => `end`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redeemStart] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redeemStart,[rawName] => `redeemStart`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => expire,[rawName] => `expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMin] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMin,[rawName] => `purchaseMin`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[purchaseMax] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => purchaseMax,[rawName] => `purchaseMax`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[limitPerUser] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => limitPerUser,[rawName] => `limitPerUser`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => int(10) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 10,[precision] => 10,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[image] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => image,[rawName] => `image`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[background] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => background,[rawName] => `background`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[active] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => active,[rawName] => `active`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[status] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => status,[rawName] => `status`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[priority] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => priority,[rawName] => `priority`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[commission] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => commission,[rawName] => `commission`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => double unsigned,[type] => double,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[paymentOptions] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => paymentOptions,[rawName] => `paymentOptions`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(250),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 250,[precision] => 250,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[useCredits] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => useCredits,[rawName] => `useCredits`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[requireRedeemLoc] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => requireRedeemLoc,[rawName] => `requireRedeemLoc`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[statsAdjust] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => statsAdjust,[rawName] => `statsAdjust`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(50),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 50,[precision] => 50,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_autor] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_autor,[rawName] => `deal_autor`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => varchar(100),[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 100,[precision] => 100,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[nume_oferta] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => nume_oferta,[rawName] => `nume_oferta`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => mediumtext,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_voucher_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_voucher_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_voucher_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => bigint(20) unsigned,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 20,[precision] => 20,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[use_deal_default_expire] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => use_deal_default_expire,[rawName] => `use_deal_default_expire`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => tinyint(3) unsigned,[type] => integer,[defaultValue] => 0,[size] => 3,[precision] => 3,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redirect_url] => CMysqlColumnSchema Object ([name] => redirect_url,[rawName] => `redirect_url`,[allowNull] => 1,[dbType] => text,[type] => string,[defaultValue] => ,[size] => ,[precision] => ,[scale] => ,[isPrimaryKey] => ,[isForeignKey] => ,[autoIncrement] => ,[] => ,[] => )),[relations] => Array ([company] => CBelongsToRelation Object ([joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => company,[className] => MCompany,[foreignKey] => companyId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[locs] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => 1,[name] => locs,[className] => MDealLocation,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[redeemLocs] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => redeemLocs,[className] => MDealRedeemLocation,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[imageBin] => CBelongsToRelation Object ([joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => imageBin,[className] => MStorageBin,[foreignKey] => image,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[stats] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => stats,[className] => MDealStats,[foreignKey] => id,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[cache] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => cache,[className] => MDealCache,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[reviews] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => reviews,[className] => MDealReview,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[coupons] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => coupons,[className] => MDealCoupon,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[media] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => media,[className] => MDealMedia,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => `order` ASC,[] => ,[] => ),[i18n] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => model='Deal',[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => i18n,[className] => MI18N,[foreignKey] => relatedId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[categories] => CManyManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => 1,[name] => categories,[className] => MDealCategory,[foreignKey] => {{DealCategoryAssoc}}(dealId,categoryId),[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[campaign] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => campaign,[className] => MDealSubscriptionCampaign,[foreignKey] => id,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[list] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => list.type=1,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => list,[className] => MSubscriptionList,[foreignKey] => relatedId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[prices] => CHasManyRelation Object ([limit] => -1,[offset] => -1,[index] => ,[through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => ,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => prices,[className] => MDealPrice,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[mainPrice] => CHasOneRelation Object ([through] => ,[joinType] => LEFT OUTER JOIN,[on] => mainPrice.main=1,[alias] => ,[with] => Array (),[together] => ,[name] => mainPrice,[className] => MDealPrice,[foreignKey] => dealId,[select] => *,[condition] => ,[params] => Array (),[group] => ,[join] => ,[having] => ,[order] => ,[] => ,[] => )),[attributeDefaults] => Array ([deal_default_expire] => 0,[use_deal_default_expire] => 0),[] => MDealAllListModel Object ([location] => ,[category] => Array (),[type] => active,[currPrice] => ,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => CActiveRecordMetaData Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => t,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => )),[] => 1,[] => Array ([deal_default_expire] => ,[use_deal_default_expire] => ,[id] => ,[url] => ,[companyId] => ,[address] => ,[timeZone] => ,[start] => ,[end] => ,[redeemStart] => ,[expire] => ,[purchaseMin] => ,[purchaseMax] => ,[limitPerUser] => ,[image] => ,[background] => ,[active] => ,[status] => ,[priority] => ,[commission] => ,[paymentOptions] => ,[useCredits] => ,[requireRedeemLoc] => ,[statsAdjust] => ,[deal_autor] => ,[nume_oferta] => ,[voucher_default_expire] => ,[use_voucher_default_expire] => ,[redirect_url] => ),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => t,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => search,[] => ,[] => ),[addCheckBoxColumn] => 1,[addButtonColumn] => 1,[addMassButton] => 1,[options] => Array ([afterAjaxUpdate] => js: function(){$.uniprogy.updTimers()}),[space] => content,[position] => ,[title] => Oferte actualeOferte viitoare,[show] => 1,[layout] => worklet,[] => ,[] => deal.all,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array ([0] => CContentDecorator Object ([view] => list,[data] => Array (),[stopAction] => ,[] => ,[actionPrefix] => ,[skin] => default,[] => ,[] => WDealAll Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => )),[] => ,[] => ),[1] => taskrenderOutput),[1] => Array ())),[16] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWidgetWorklet.php,[line] => 65,[function] => __call,[class] => UWorklet,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => renderOutput,[1] => Array ())),[17] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWidgetWorklet.php,[line] => 65,[function] => renderOutput,[class] => WDealAll,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[18] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base/worklets/WBaseInit.php,[line] => 246,[function] => run,[class] => UWidgetWorklet,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[19] => Array ([function] => taskRecordClips,[class] => WBaseInit,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[20] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorklet.php,[line] => 94,[function] => call_user_func_array,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => WBaseInit Object ([show] => ,[requireSecure] => ,[] => Array (),[] => normal,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => ,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array ([customize.cms.block] => BCustomizeCmsBlock Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => CustomizeModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => customize,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/customize,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[user.changePassword] => BUserChangePassword Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => UserModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => user.main,[1] => payment.main,[2] => company.main,[3] => deal.main,[4] => agent.main,[5] => admin.main),[] => 6,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => user,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/user,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[emailVerification] => 0,[approveNewAccounts] => 0,[unverifiedAccess] => 0,[unapprovedAccess] => 0,[verificationTimeLimit] => 48,[passwordResetTimeLimit] => 24,[captcha] => 1,[inactivityTimeLimit] => 240,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 100x100,[bannedIPs] => ;,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[location.background] => BLocationBackground Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => LocationModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => location,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/location,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[defaultCountry] => *,[location] => 1,[ipinfodbApiKey] => ,[selector] => simple,[country] => RO,[state] => 0,[city] => Bucuresti),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[deal.controller] => BDealController Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.optimize] => BBaseOptimize Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.rules] => BBaseRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.rules] => BAdminRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.theme] => BAdminTheme Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => )),[] => base.init,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ([customize.cms.block] => BCustomizeCmsBlock Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => CustomizeModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => customize,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/customize,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[user.changePassword] => BUserChangePassword Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => UserModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => user.main,[1] => payment.main,[2] => company.main,[3] => deal.main,[4] => agent.main,[5] => admin.main),[] => 6,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => user,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/user,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[emailVerification] => 0,[approveNewAccounts] => 0,[unverifiedAccess] => 0,[unapprovedAccess] => 0,[verificationTimeLimit] => 48,[passwordResetTimeLimit] => 24,[captcha] => 1,[inactivityTimeLimit] => 240,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 100x100,[bannedIPs] => ;,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[location.background] => BLocationBackground Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => LocationModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => location,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/location,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[defaultCountry] => *,[location] => 1,[ipinfodbApiKey] => ,[selector] => simple,[country] => RO,[state] => 0,[city] => Bucuresti),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[deal.controller] => BDealController Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.optimize] => BBaseOptimize Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.rules] => BBaseRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.rules] => BAdminRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.theme] => BAdminTheme Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ))),[1] => taskrecordClips),[1] => Array ())),[21] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base/worklets/WBaseInit.php,[line] => 119,[function] => __call,[class] => UWorklet,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => recordClips,[1] => Array ())),[22] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base/worklets/WBaseInit.php,[line] => 119,[function] => recordClips,[class] => WBaseInit,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[23] => Array ([function] => taskRenderPage,[class] => WBaseInit,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[24] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorklet.php,[line] => 94,[function] => call_user_func_array,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => WBaseInit Object ([show] => ,[requireSecure] => ,[] => Array (),[] => normal,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => ,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array ([customize.cms.block] => BCustomizeCmsBlock Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => CustomizeModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => customize,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/customize,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[user.changePassword] => BUserChangePassword Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => UserModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => user.main,[1] => payment.main,[2] => company.main,[3] => deal.main,[4] => agent.main,[5] => admin.main),[] => 6,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => user,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/user,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[emailVerification] => 0,[approveNewAccounts] => 0,[unverifiedAccess] => 0,[unapprovedAccess] => 0,[verificationTimeLimit] => 48,[passwordResetTimeLimit] => 24,[captcha] => 1,[inactivityTimeLimit] => 240,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 100x100,[bannedIPs] => ;,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[location.background] => BLocationBackground Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => LocationModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => location,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/location,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[defaultCountry] => *,[location] => 1,[ipinfodbApiKey] => ,[selector] => simple,[country] => RO,[state] => 0,[city] => Bucuresti),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[deal.controller] => BDealController Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.optimize] => BBaseOptimize Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.rules] => BBaseRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.rules] => BAdminRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.theme] => BAdminTheme Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => )),[] => base.init,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ([customize.cms.block] => BCustomizeCmsBlock Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => CustomizeModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => customize,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/customize,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[user.changePassword] => BUserChangePassword Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => UserModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => user.main,[1] => payment.main,[2] => company.main,[3] => deal.main,[4] => agent.main,[5] => admin.main),[] => 6,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => user,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/user,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[emailVerification] => 0,[approveNewAccounts] => 0,[unverifiedAccess] => 0,[unapprovedAccess] => 0,[verificationTimeLimit] => 48,[passwordResetTimeLimit] => 24,[captcha] => 1,[inactivityTimeLimit] => 240,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 100x100,[bannedIPs] => ;,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[location.background] => BLocationBackground Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => LocationModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => location,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/location,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[defaultCountry] => *,[location] => 1,[ipinfodbApiKey] => ,[selector] => simple,[country] => RO,[state] => 0,[city] => Bucuresti),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[deal.controller] => BDealController Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.optimize] => BBaseOptimize Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.rules] => BBaseRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.rules] => BAdminRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.theme] => BAdminTheme Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ))),[1] => taskrenderPage),[1] => Array ())),[25] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base/worklets/WBaseInit.php,[line] => 38,[function] => __call,[class] => UWorklet,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => renderPage,[1] => Array ())),[26] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base/worklets/WBaseInit.php,[line] => 38,[function] => renderPage,[class] => WBaseInit,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[27] => Array ([function] => taskBuild,[class] => WBaseInit,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[28] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorklet.php,[line] => 94,[function] => call_user_func_array,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => WBaseInit Object ([show] => ,[requireSecure] => ,[] => Array (),[] => normal,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => ,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array ([customize.cms.block] => BCustomizeCmsBlock Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => CustomizeModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => customize,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/customize,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[user.changePassword] => BUserChangePassword Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => UserModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => user.main,[1] => payment.main,[2] => company.main,[3] => deal.main,[4] => agent.main,[5] => admin.main),[] => 6,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => user,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/user,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[emailVerification] => 0,[approveNewAccounts] => 0,[unverifiedAccess] => 0,[unapprovedAccess] => 0,[verificationTimeLimit] => 48,[passwordResetTimeLimit] => 24,[captcha] => 1,[inactivityTimeLimit] => 240,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 100x100,[bannedIPs] => ;,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[location.background] => BLocationBackground Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => LocationModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => location,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/location,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[defaultCountry] => *,[location] => 1,[ipinfodbApiKey] => ,[selector] => simple,[country] => RO,[state] => 0,[city] => Bucuresti),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[deal.controller] => BDealController Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.optimize] => BBaseOptimize Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.rules] => BBaseRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.rules] => BAdminRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.theme] => BAdminTheme Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => )),[] => base.init,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => Array ([customize.cms.block] => BCustomizeCmsBlock Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => CustomizeModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => customize,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/customize,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[user.changePassword] => BUserChangePassword Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => UserModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => user.main,[1] => payment.main,[2] => company.main,[3] => deal.main,[4] => agent.main,[5] => admin.main),[] => 6,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => user,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/user,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[emailVerification] => 0,[approveNewAccounts] => 0,[unverifiedAccess] => 0,[unapprovedAccess] => 0,[verificationTimeLimit] => 48,[passwordResetTimeLimit] => 24,[captcha] => 1,[inactivityTimeLimit] => 240,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 100x100,[bannedIPs] => ;,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[location.background] => BLocationBackground Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => LocationModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array (),[] => 0,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => location,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/location,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[defaultCountry] => *,[location] => 1,[ipinfodbApiKey] => ,[selector] => simple,[country] => RO,[state] => 0,[city] => Bucuresti),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[deal.controller] => BDealController Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.optimize] => BBaseOptimize Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[base.rules] => BBaseRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => BaseModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => user.main,[2] => payment.main,[3] => location.main,[4] => deal.main,[5] => base.main,[6] => admin.main),[] => 7,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => base,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/base,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[languages] => Array ([ro] => Romana),[follow] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Twitter,[1] => twitter.png,[2] =>,[1] => Array ([0] => Facebook,[1] => facebook.png,[2] =>,[2] => Array ([0] => RSS,[1] => rss.png,[2] => return wm()->get("deal.rss")->link();),[3] => Array ([0] => Email,[1] => email.png,[2] => return url("/deal/subscription");))),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.rules] => BAdminRules Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[admin.theme] => BAdminTheme Object ([] => 1,[] => WBaseInit Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => AdminModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => customize.main,[1] => subscription.main,[2] => user.main,[3] => payment.main,[4] => company.main,[5] => deal.main,[6] => agent.main,[7] => agent.citymanager,[8] => admin.main),[] => 9,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => admin,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/admin,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ))),[1] => taskbuild),[1] => Array ())),[29] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/yii/web/actions/UAction.php,[line] => 28,[function] => __call,[class] => UWorklet,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => build,[1] => Array ())),[30] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/uniprogy/framework/yii/web/actions/UAction.php,[line] => 28,[function] => build,[class] => WBaseInit,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[31] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/actions/CAction.php,[line] => 72,[function] => run,[class] => UAction,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[32] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CController.php,[line] => 300,[function] => runWithParams,[class] => CAction,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => Array ())),[33] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/filters/CFilterChain.php,[line] => 134,[function] => runAction,[class] => CController,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => UAction Object ([] => all,[] => DefaultController Object ([defaultActionClass] => UAction,[breadcrumbs] => Array (),[layout] => ,[defaultAction] => index,[] => default,[] => UAction Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Oferte actualeOferte viitoare - Creatoriideoferte,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array ([0] => CClipWidget Object ([renderClip] => ,[actionPrefix] => ,[skin] => default,[] => content,[] => DefaultController Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => )),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ))),[34] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/filters/CFilter.php,[line] => 41,[function] => run,[class] => CFilterChain,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[35] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/filters/CFilterChain.php,[line] => 131,[function] => filter,[class] => CFilter,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => CFilterChain Object ([controller] => DefaultController Object ([defaultActionClass] => UAction,[breadcrumbs] => Array (),[layout] => ,[defaultAction] => index,[] => default,[] => UAction Object ([] => all,[] => DefaultController Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Oferte actualeOferte viitoare - Creatoriideoferte,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array ([0] => CClipWidget Object ([renderClip] => ,[actionPrefix] => ,[skin] => default,[] => content,[] => DefaultController Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => )),[] => ,[] => ),[action] => UAction Object ([] => all,[] => DefaultController Object ([defaultActionClass] => UAction,[breadcrumbs] => Array (),[layout] => ,[defaultAction] => index,[] => default,[] => UAction Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Oferte actualeOferte viitoare - Creatoriideoferte,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array ([0] => CClipWidget Object ([renderClip] => ,[actionPrefix] => ,[skin] => default,[] => content,[] => DefaultController Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => )),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[filterIndex] => 1,[] => Array ([0] => UAccessFilter Object ([] => ,[] => )),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ))),[36] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CController.php,[line] => 283,[function] => run,[class] => CFilterChain,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[37] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CController.php,[line] => 257,[function] => runActionWithFilters,[class] => CController,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => UAction Object ([] => all,[] => DefaultController Object ([defaultActionClass] => UAction,[breadcrumbs] => Array (),[layout] => ,[defaultAction] => index,[] => default,[] => UAction Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Oferte actualeOferte viitoare - Creatoriideoferte,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => DealModule Object ([] => CList Object ([] => Array ([0] => payment.main,[1] => deal.main,[2] => custom.main),[] => 3,[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[defaultController] => default,[layout] => ,[controllerMap] => Array (),[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/controllers,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal/views,[] => ,[preload] => Array (),[behaviors] => Array (),[] => deal,[] => ,[] => /home/creatori/public_html/protected/modules/deal,[] => ,[] => CAttributeCollection Object ([caseSensitive] => 1,[] => Array ([version] => 1.5.9,[fileTypes] => jpg, gif, png,[fileSizeLimit] => 4,[fileResize] => 860x860,[commission] => 20,[rssChannelDescription] => Get enough people to win a massive discount on something fun to do in {city},[delimiter] => ,,[requireSubscribe] => 0,[categories] => 1,[upcoming] => 1,[homepage] => deal.view,[subscriptionDelete] => 0,[payoutMode] => redeem),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ),[] => Array ([0] => CClipWidget Object ([renderClip] => ,[actionPrefix] => ,[skin] => default,[] => content,[] => DefaultController Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => )),[] => ,[] => ),[] => ,[] => ),[1] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => UAccessFilter)))),[38] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CWebApplication.php,[line] => 277,[function] => run,[class] => CController,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => all)),[39] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/web/CWebApplication.php,[line] => 136,[function] => runController,[class] => CWebApplication,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ([0] => deal/all)),[40] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/framework/yii/framework/base/CApplication.php,[line] => 158,[function] => processRequest,[class] => CWebApplication,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[41] => Array ([file] => /home/creatori/public_html/index.php,[line] => 28,[function] => run,[class] => CApplication,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ())),[] => )) test